Thursday, November 6, 2008

Technology Changing

Technology Changing Over the Years

Technology has changed over the past couple of years a lot. During the campaign time the use of it gets a lot bigger. The candidates have now in this past election posted videos on you tube and doing more stuff on facebook.
They posted things on facebook because they can get to more people faster and many college kids have facebooks and do not know who to vote for. By posting things on you tube people can see anything they want on the candidates which is good and bad. It is good because now people don’t have to get up really early to see a show which they would not have done but since it is on you tube they can check it out anytime. It is bad because now anyone can take a video or picture of anyone and upload it to you tube and facebook and any other place in the world.
This is all proven by the article Campaigns in a Web 2.0 World by David Carr and Brian Stelter. In this article they talk about the change of technology from election to election. They also talk about how some stations are not being watched as much because you can just seem them on you tube or somewhere else. Such as a video of McCain giving a speech that you missed is on you tube.

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